#include "Memory.h"
#include <extEEPROM.h>
/* Basically for debug purposes
* Printing of the content of EEPROM Memory modul to the COM Port
void Show_Memory(uint32_t startAddr, uint32_t nBytes)
Serial.print(F("EEPROM DUMP 0x"));
Serial.print(startAddr, HEX);
Serial.print(F(" 0x"));
Serial.print(nBytes, HEX);
Serial.print(F(" "));
Serial.print(F(" "));
uint32_t nRows = (nBytes + 15) >> 4;
uint8_t d[16];
for(uint32_t r = 0; r < nRows; r++)
uint32_t a = startAddr + 16 * r;, d, 16);
if ( a < 16 * 16 * 16 ) Serial.print(F("0"));
if ( a < 16 * 16 ) Serial.print(F("0"));
if ( a < 16 ) Serial.print(F("0"));
Serial.print(a, HEX); Serial.print(F(" "));
for(int c = 0; c < 16; c++)
if(d[c] < 16)
Serial.print(d[c], HEX);
Serial.print(c == 7 ? " " : " ");
/* Memory Initialisation for the first launch of the memory card ever
* Reads data from the memory. If memory cells have never been used before, they contain values of 0xFF (255)
* Writes initial values of time (00.00) and offset (1) to the first memory cells of the appropriate memory block.
* size of a memory block = 256 bytes;
* (Block rewriting algorithm - not necessary the most optimal one. but should work)
* if the calculations are right - for 15 years
void EEPROM_init(my_time_t* Time_str) // NOT DEBUGGED
byte offset_search_buffer = 0xff;
uint8_t memory_used_marker = 0;
uint16_t last_written_block = 0xffff;
uint32_t write_counter_buffer;
uint32_t write_counter_prew = 0;
// Initial Values for empty memory
Time_str->offset = 0;
Time_str->hours = 0;
Time_str->minutes = 0;
Time_str->memorycell_write_counter = 0;
// Hardware EEPROM connection
Serial.println("Beginning connection to EEPROM Module");
if(EEPROM_Board.begin(EEPROM_Board.twiClock400kHz)) //go fast!
Serial.println("EEPROM Connection Failed! Check EEPROM!");
while (1) // Will stop there forever (notification routine - two short blinks of the LED on pin 13)
digitalWrite(13, HIGH);
digitalWrite(13, LOW);
digitalWrite(13, HIGH);
digitalWrite(13, LOW);
Serial.println("EEPROM Module connected");
/************* Debugging routine!!! ************
for(uint16_t i = 0; i < (8*MEM_BLOCK_SIZE); i += MEM_BLOCK_SIZE)
Serial.println("Mem writing ");
Time_str->offset = i/MEM_BLOCK_SIZE;
Time_str->hours = 0xAA;
Time_str->minutes = 0xBB;
Time_str->memorycell_write_counter = ((i/MEM_BLOCK_SIZE)+3)%8;
Serial.println("Written Memory cell: " + (String)i);
Serial.println("memorycell_write_counter = " + (String)Time_str->memorycell_write_counter);
EEPROM_Board.write(i, (byte*)Time_str, sizeof(*Time_str));
************ Debugging routine!!! *************/
//Show_Memory(0, 2048);
// Read all bytes with offset variable. if all of them are 0xff - memory board is fresh. if not - find starting point
for(uint16_t i = 0; i < (MEM_BLOCK_AMOUNT*MEM_BLOCK_SIZE); i += MEM_BLOCK_SIZE) // i goes trough all firs bytes of the memory blocks. i is the adress of a cell
{, &offset_search_buffer, 1);
Serial.println("offset_search_buffer = " + (String)offset_search_buffer);
if(offset_search_buffer != 0xff)
Serial.println("memory_used_marker = " + (String)memory_used_marker);
}, (byte*)&write_counter_buffer, 4);
if((write_counter_buffer != 0xffffffff) && (write_counter_buffer >= write_counter_prew))
write_counter_prew = write_counter_buffer;
Serial.println("write_counter_prew: " + (String)write_counter_prew); // Debug
last_written_block = i;
Serial.println("last_written_block: " + (String)last_written_block); // Debug
Serial.println("Byte " + String(i) + " value = " + (String)write_counter_buffer + "\n");
Serial.println("Last written block is: " + (String)i);
if(memory_used_marker == 0) // Memory has never been used, this is the first start of the system. WRITE MEMORY
Serial.println("Memory is empty");
//Serial.println("bytes to be written: " + (String)(sizeof(*Time_str)));
EEPROM_Board.write(0, (byte*)Time_str, sizeof(*Time_str));
else // Memory has been used, find where to start writing the values. READ MEMORY
Serial.println("Memory is NOT empty");, (byte*)Time_str, sizeof(*Time_str)); // need to compare memorycell_write_counters
Serial.println("Readed cell: " + (String)Time_str->offset + "\t" + (String)Time_str->hours + " hours\t" + (String)Time_str->minutes + " minutes\t" + (String)Time_str->memorycell_write_counter + " writing cycles");
//Show_Memory(0, 2048);
//while(1) /****************************************** CAREFULLY!!!! WILL STUCK **********************************************/
//digitalWrite(13, HIGH);
* Saving of the actual time to the memory
void EEPROM_save(my_time_t* EEPROM_time, ts* RTC_time) // NOT DEBUGGED
EEPROM_time->hours = RTC_time->hour; // Write current time to the structure for writing to mem.
EEPROM_time->minutes = RTC_time->min;
EEPROM_time->offset = (EEPROM_time->offset + 1)%8; // Increase current address of the memory block;
EEPROM_time->memorycell_write_counter++; // Increase current counter of the rewrite operations;
EEPROM_Board.write(EEPROM_time->offset*MEM_BLOCK_SIZE, (byte*)EEPROM_time, sizeof(*EEPROM_time));